martes, 23 de junio de 2009

The Reproduction of Profiles

"I had inferred from pictures that the world was real and therefore paused, for who knows what will happen if we talk truth while climbing the stairs."
Rosemary Waldrop

A ella recurro, al preparar mi gran obra, la mas real pausada en la piel de aquel que no se pretende mas que una hoja en blanco. Aquel a quien le llegara todo y mas de lo que se imagina. A disfrutar y seguir soñando mientras voy preparando al espíritu y el corazón para que encarnen en aquellas palabras indelebles. Gracias por alimentar mis sueños.


2 comentarios:

leandro quintero dijo...

i told u about the shaping force of the waldrop EVOLUTION...:)


leandro quintero dijo...


The tragedy of fate is
to value too late
the sound of your voice,
first thing in the morning
your sleepy face, still in dreams
creased by our pillows and linen
your eyes, new born
and their lids stuck together, Siamese twins
yawning like a wolf, waking me up
the finest hours
come to value when you have lost

in this loss e and win game
I can tell you now
paying a visit to my pictures of you
my museum
doesn’t hurt like yesterday.

leonor silvestri